Filtering Data

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The filter in table editor lets you filter records (rows) in a table based on conditions. These conditions correspond to expressions that compare fields (columns) and their corresponding entries(cells) and will only return the data that is true to that condition.

  1. Click Toolbar > Filter

  2. Enter condition in the text box:

    • Start entering the name of the field you want to filter and select the matching one from the autocomplete list.
    Tip: For a complete list of field suggestions use the shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+C
    • The following operators can be used to set the conditions(s):
    Operator Description
    =, IS Equal
    >,>= Greater than, Greater than or equal
    <= Less than, Less than or equal
    <>,!=, IS NOT Not equal
    AND Displays records if all the conditions are TRUE
    OR Displays a record if either of the conditions is TRUE
    BETWEEN Between a range
    LIKE Search for a pattern (e.g.: similar values between columns)
    IN To specify multiple possible values for a column
    NULL Null values
    • Multiple filters can be applied by using AND and OR operators. Keep in mind to correctly set the operator that you want to execute first, and use parentheses if needed.

  3. Enter a numeric or string value after the operator.
    Note: To filter string type records, you will need to use either single or double quotes for the value.
  4. Click Apply
    • Whenever you apply a condition the status bar on the bottom right will show if the filtering process is still in progress.
  5. To clear the condition box, click on the drop-down next to Apply and select Clear

Tip: Checking for results: To find out how many records have been filtered look at the table summary in the far right of the navigation bar: